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Home/We offer/H3C/Security



H3C security product line attaches great importance to network and application security, providing customers with integral network and application products/solutions. H3C has been in the security field for more than 10 years, with more than 1000 patented technologies in the field of information security, H3C has also joined forces with Microsoft, Kaspersky, CVE, Commtouch, ICSA and other well-known international security organizations and manufacturers to ensure the stable protection of various security tools. security.

With a strong security capability, H3C can offer over 300 products, as well as advisory and expert services from groups of security professionals. With its customer-focused rapid response capabilities, H3C can provide customers with secure and reliable protection from security infrastructure to any top-level design. It can provide customers with a full range of reliable and controlled information security products and comprehensive solutions.

In the field of security products, H3C covers the network, application, and security management layers. There are over 300 products including next generation firewalls, VPN, UTM, IPS, ACG, load balancing, security control centers, cloud computing security technologies, and situational awareness systems. These products can be used in a variety of environments including 'fast' Ethernet, gigabit, 10 gigabit and higher speeds. Comprehensive layer 2-7 security helps meet the needs of future cloud computing, IPv6, Web2.0, and other emerging services and applications.

H3C Firewalls SecPath F1000-AI Series
The H3C SecPath F1000-AI Series Firewalls are next-generation, high-performance firewalls for SMBs, campus exits, and WANs.
SecPath F5000 Series H3C Firewalls
The H3C SecPath F5000 Series Firewalls are next-generation, high-performance firewalls for large enterprise networks, service providers, and data centers.
Guaranteed Quality
Executive Heights,
Al-Thanyan first,
Al-Barsha, Dubai, UAE
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